Friday, August 24, 2007

Itinerary for week

9/1 driving to Rapid City SD
9/2 Rapid City to Grey Bull WY
9/3 Grey Bull over Beartooth Pass to West Yellowstone MT
9/4 West Yellowstone to Seeley Lake MT
9/5 Seeley Lake to Glaicier Park (Staying in Rising Sun Motor Lodge)
9/6 Glacier to Lincoln MT
9/7 Lincoln to Hardin MT
9/8 Hardin to Rapid City SD
9/9 driving home
9/10 recovering @ home

Email during the I'll have my blackberry
Cell 412-715-8728

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Allegeny National Forest Quad Ride

Jenn and I got the chance to hit the ANF with the quad over the weekend of August 11th.

We have been riding around the chatau and home as much as we could but the ANF has been said to be great riding.

Heading up we have begun being a creature of comfort..eating at Phil's about every time. You can see here Iggy was with us but had to stay outside..BTW the tea was TERRIBLE!

Saturday we were up early headed to the trail head in marinville. There are several trail head but we picked the main one since we have no idea what the heck we were doing. We did get a pass at Russell Russell City and a Birch Beer (Cheers Mom!)

More on the trails can be found here or google it.

Our first trail was the ATV trail, it was fairly easy and only about 2 hours around the loop. Its nice becuse its one way but its a long way between access don't take your crappy quad! it takes forever to get out with broken machines.

Our second trail was the Bike loop. The .gov site states it takes 4-6 hours on a atv to do the trail. Nonsense! I'll be much faster. Well its a great trail but you can see on the next picture it has a good amount of rocks.

( to the left) That is the trial...miles of it

Well its 28 miles long and it took almost 4 hours. It was muddy, it had hill climbs and pubble and rocks. Sure there was rest areas and places to relax going from here to there but it was tough.

The next picture is one of the runways up to a road crossing. We took a break and sipped on gatorade..
I've been trail riding since I was 10 years old on my hodaka dirt squirt, but by far the ANF was the best time I've had on the trails. Its tough and legal.
We did not see much wild life..few deer and such but there are bear signs around so campers stash their food in a the bear eat the people?

Well we're headed for Montana in a few weeks. Maybe we can get some bears there.

Friday, August 17, 2007

2005 FJR 1300 ABS

I figure I can test the picture posting by putting a few snapshots of the motorcycle we will be riding during the trip.

The Yamaha FJR has proved to be a prefect fit for our type of riding. Longer day trips are effortless on the bike. The cross between sport bike and touring bike is about prefect. We can turn it up in the fun country roads and still have the storage needed to bring a couple of nights clothes along.

Opening Day @ The Blog

Greeting Everyone.

This is the initial setup of the Green Lizard Adventures. I set it up to allow everyone to ride along with Jenn and Myself during our Montana trip.

If all goes well, Jenn or I will post nightly for the entire 10 days we are on the road. I will be posting some pages ahead of the trip to be sure I know all the features.