Sunday's post was delayed due to a "said" wireless system in our hotel but I could not find it.
So Sunday we got up in Rapid City SD, and was headed to Greybull WY. Our route was mostly I90 then over WY14 through Ten Sleep to Grey Bull. It was supposed to be a day of getting from here to there...nothing special. I planned the route through Powder Pass and the botom of Big Horn. Well, the route was actual great. The lower Big Horn area was all mountian pass and sharp clifs etc. See some of the picutres here and check out the links page for more. I edited for some of the better.
Once in Greybull and sweating to the tune of 98 degrees..we decided we were their too early to stop..so on to Lovell or secondary destination. It too was a dusty western town. Bunches of mom and pop hotels but it was still early. While stopong for gatorade we got to thinking about going for Red Lodge Mt. Then the girl at the counter said it was just up the road..and it was 69 miles but we were doing great. I asked about motels she said "this time of the year, no problem" ON to RED LOdge Mt it was a great ride through the badlands?? lost of dust, tumble weeds and fast roads.
As soon as we hit Red Lodge it was wow..its a resort town and it was hopping...too hopping. I had planned to pick up hotel as we progressed. The first night I got burned..NO hotels had rooms. NONE out of a few dozen? Just as we were to give up one last ride down mainstreet and wow one switched off the "NO" in vacancies! We rushed in...a 4 beadroom room for a bunch of money. We took it since the next town was another hour away. It turnout good and we did some people watching in town..then Pizza. Hi marks for Red Lodge Pizza!
Check the pics..

I Notice She's Still Wearing Her Wedding Ring.....
Although Its Still Early On In The Trip !!!
hey jen, is it bright out there?
And Jennifer says, "I swear Mom, we're not driving fast!"
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