Wednesday, October 29, 2008
2008 Fall Hatfield McCoy Quad trip
Enjoy..we did!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday West Elk Loop, Gunnison, Crested Butte

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday Mex Hat to Gunnison
So we pulled out the map started to look at how to pick up the pieces. Then that plan fell apart.
We started out in Mex Hat and headed for Natural Bridges. It was a quick run up the state road until Moki Dugway and pass. Its a pass over a desert canyon cliff and its dirt and it has super tight switch backs..and great views once your up a bit.
Check some pictures:

Then we headed to Natural Bridge which was under construction, it was hot and it was really not for the moto touring type...ya had ta walk to see stuff! We donated to the national parks system since out Golden Eagle pass expired yesterday. The bridges were viewable from overlooks and were cool but I think the hikers going down the 1 to 5 mile hikes got their monies worth.
Check some pic.

After that we headed to Blanding and was planning Moab and Arches but decided to turn for home. We both we both had enough "desert" type terrain..we wanted mountains. So we turned at Blanding to Colorado up utah 491 to Co 141 towards US 50. We hit Disappointment Valley and a bunch of other highland type shrubby stuff until we go into the mountians.
We ended in Gunnison checked into a hotel and found a steak joint for dinner. The hostess takled me into crab cakes..what was I thinking??? Hint...don't order food from a place the chef never seen...I bet he seen cows..but not the seas.
Snoozing in Norwood Co and Jenn being artesy.
Don't know where we are going tomorrow...maybe do some local dirt.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday Silverton to Mex Hat, UT

I rolled the bike to the door of the hotel room and flipped the switch..27 degrees and there was ice on the puddles in the lot. I went back and forth packing the bike and staying warm. Even with the cold we were ready to go at 8am.
Once packed a guy from Minnosota stopped to discuss riding in the cold..he puts over 4k miles on a sled a year and he is the low mileage guy out of his gang. He had just been to North Rim and Moab and was having a hard time finding rooms..I hate when people tell me that..I got zero reservation for the whole trip.
After saying good bye, I hit the start button and the bike turned over but no fire. After a few more nothing but turning over. I then added a little throttle and it started to come to life. Good thing the battery is still in good shape...the bike finally fired and stayed that way until it stalled in the middle of the street.
Leaving on 550 s we were off to Durnago and Utah. The ride down 550 was great, more mountians and 2 more 10K+ foot passes. Coming into Durango we passed a steamer headed for Silverton.

Most of the trip was standard riding in the SW..lots of long straight flat runs...
Our first thing was to get a room. Orginally we were going to Blanding, but I wanted to stay in Mex Hat. I heard from a fellow GS rider of the steaks in this town and wanted to try is the place and the HUNK of meat they server. Thanks Alton.

After the getting a room at Hat Rock Hotel of a staggering 110$, we took off to Monumnet Valley. I wanted to unload some weight but the room was not ready so we gassed up and headed to the land of butte.
Going into the tribal lands cost $5 a head. the guy taking the cash insisted a win is a win even if the steelers looked bad in winning. I finally agreed then he hit me with the eagles really spanked them...
The low down on the area around the mounments is this..tourist and the roads suck! We started in following 4 tour trucks with about 2 dozen people in each. Once we went down the entrance we got rolling but the sand was deep and smooth...we kept going until we hit a patch about 100 yeads long and nearly went down 4-5 times. I got no idea how I saved it but we did. The tracks behind me looked like a rattler snaked its way down the out we went..and a bit angry. Another area not covered on the bike and I'll be damned before I ride a tour bus. We did get to see a few miles of the area and got some pictures.

After Monumant Valley, we went to Valley of the Gods. Its a 17mile dirt road north of Mexican Hat. The loop winds around many of the same type of buttes, etc like Monumnet Valley...but it free and no one was there. The road has heavy washboards and some stretches of loose silt and gravel but it was fun on the GS. Once I got up on the pegs we whirled through and got a bunch of pictures. Overall a great ride.
Check out the pictures from the day.

Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, doing the Passes!

Behind me!

Caution! No Motorcycle content. OK some but in the future tense.
Monday. Monday! OK so it always happens. We take a vacation to a middle of nowhere place and next thing you know we are never going to leave. So..we did not leave Silverton today. We stayed and took a Jeep tour. (Thanks Rob N). Even though the first hour of the trip I was ready to take the Jeep back and get the bike, I did not..BMW MOA towing would have covered the call.
However! If your interested in over 700 miles of 4x4 and dirt roads begging for riding get on the
horn and get with me I WILL be back next year with either a trailer full of Dual sports or quads. I got a crew cab truck and a trailer for up to 4 cycles or me.
Now for the Jeep Report.
Monday was a great day in the San Juan mountians. The was a frost last night but at 8am the sun was cominh up and the weather was looking great. It was in the 50s or 60s all day. The Mt passes were much colder but who was paying attention to the weather when at 12k feet.
In all we did the entire Alpine Loop and a few extras in the course of 7 hours of off roading.
The area is open to most all kinds of offroad vehicles. Mile upon mile of road and trails listed as roads...its heaven.
We took a few hundred pictures, but none seem to do it justice. I posted a bunch below to see just a sample of what was up there.
the only way to the front door.

Animas Fork Ghost Town
Cinnamon Pass 12+ feet
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday, Day 1 of Prospector Ride Sun to Ice?

We started up us24 through woodland hills and I was getting concerned with my route. The whole area was very touristee and packed with traffic. We hit McDonalds for a breakfast/lunch. It was around 10am but who gps was on eastern and my mc was never reset after the last battery removal. At Mcd's I put on my heated vest, it was only in the 40's ...but I must be a puss. there was alot of harley guys with tshirts and vests??
The ride from woodland along 24 was good once the traffic cleared. We hit the perfect week for the fall colors. The birch or white ash (whatever they are) was bright gold and contrasted the pines.

You can see the gold in the mountians miles away.

They fixed the slide problem here.

It was wet and cold up to Red MT, lowest temp I seen was 37 degrees and it felt colder..lots of mist in the air and slow speeds really made for a long ride up, but the views were outstanding, with no guide rails to block the drop off views.
Silverton was the destination city...errr town. We got into town about 5pm and found a hotel. The triangle hotel is on main street and clean..seems a bit high compared to their online price but I'll check it out later.
Silverton Main street>

This was dinner...cajan pork chops at the Handlebar. Not bad..should have got steak.

Overall a fair ride for the day. Lots of cool mountain vistas but lots of to get away from that.
We may change plans and rent a jeep to ride the Alpine Loop. Hate to miss out on all that when we are here. I think we will dump the Grand canyon and go get muddy.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
One week and counting..
Friday, September 12, 2008
New trip planned - Sept 26 to Oct 5 2008
Hitting all the big site and some of the small ones. 4 Corners, Valley of the Gods, North Rim, Grand Staircase.
Watch for future posts in the next few weeks.