Engineer Pass 12,800 feet...don't walk too far!

Behind me!

Caution! No Motorcycle content. OK some but in the future tense.
Monday. Monday! OK so it always happens. We take a vacation to a middle of nowhere place and next thing you know we are never going to leave. So..we did not leave Silverton today. We stayed and took a Jeep tour. (Thanks Rob N). Even though the first hour of the trip I was ready to take the Jeep back and get the bike, I did not..BMW MOA towing would have covered the call.
However! If your interested in over 700 miles of 4x4 and dirt roads begging for riding get on the
horn and get with me I WILL be back next year with either a trailer full of Dual sports or quads. I got a crew cab truck and a trailer for up to 4 cycles or me.
Now for the Jeep Report.
Monday was a great day in the San Juan mountians. The was a frost last night but at 8am the sun was cominh up and the weather was looking great. It was in the 50s or 60s all day. The Mt passes were much colder but who was paying attention to the weather when at 12k feet.
In all we did the entire Alpine Loop and a few extras in the course of 7 hours of off roading.
The area is open to most all kinds of offroad vehicles. Mile upon mile of road and trails listed as roads...its heaven.
We took a few hundred pictures, but none seem to do it justice. I posted a bunch below to see just a sample of what was up there.
the only way to the front door.

Animas Fork Ghost Town
Cinnamon Pass 12+ feet
Looks Like you guys are having fun! The area looks beautiful!
Have Fun, be safe!
Fabulous country! Thanks for sharing your trip with us through your photos! Have a safe and fun vacation.
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