Day one of the great 2008 Prospoctor ride is in the books. The day was a day of extremes.
Early in the morning we were up and ready to go. The time differences play tricks and the fact we just got done driving 21 hours straight...just stopping for gas took its toll the night before but we got a good nights sleep and we were ready to roll.
Amazing the GSA can really handle a load. We got muvh more stuff in on the GSA than the FJR last year. I go the small left pannier and jenn got the BIG right side one. The top case has cameras, cords, crackers and ton of junk to "support" the trip. I strap the heated vests in a waterproof back on the top of the topcase. They are light and easy to strap down.

Mr mittens was not really interested in my great work but he hung out for the morning.

The trip from Limon to Co Springs was fast and free of any interests. US24 is straight as an arrow in most sections so the 73 miles went by quickly. Once in CO Springs we got into a good deal of traffic and ran stop light to light of some time.
We started up us24 through woodland hills and I was getting concerned with my route. The whole area was very touristee and packed with traffic. We hit McDonalds for a breakfast/lunch. It was around 10am but who gps was on eastern and my mc was never reset after the last battery removal. At Mcd's I put on my heated vest, it was only in the 40's ...but I must be a puss. there was alot of harley guys with tshirts and vests??
The ride from woodland along 24 was good once the traffic cleared. We hit the perfect week for the fall colors. The birch or white ash (whatever they are) was bright gold and contrasted the pines.

You can see the gold in the mountians miles away.

Monarch Pass had a gift shop and a place to get a gatoraid. Not sure why Jenn is dancing..maybe its the air or that she was happy to get off the darn bike finally.

After the pass we can across the huge mountian was as big as my county in Penna. Of course we had to go across it.

We went through Gunnison, around Blue Mesa and a buch of other towns along US50. We ride US50 in WV and Va a good bit...its got be one of the greatest roads to run end to end.
In Montrose we turned south to Silverton, going throught Ouray on 55o. I've heard of this road over the years and wanted to add it to the trip but my orginal plans was 146 to Lake City and across the Alpine loop, but with alot of thought and insite from fellow riders I felt the weather and the time would be we took the easy way. Plan is to go from silverton up the loop to the 4wheel drive area and not do the whole thing.
Around Blue Mesa Lake, we taked to a few guys who had done the loop today on GSs, they felt we could make it if it weren't for the time and weather but it was about 1pm and there was several thunderstorms in the area. We even got pounded by hail about as big as small gum balls.
550 was a good ride for looks but actual riding was poor. lots of cars and enforcement was an issue. Until ouray it was just another road. Ouray was cool and the main street is on a downhill slant.
As soons a you leave Ouray you start up Red Mountian.
Lookin back on Ouray

Looking up to Red Mt Pass

They fixed the slide problem here.

It was wet and cold up to Red MT, lowest temp I seen was 37 degrees and it felt colder..lots of mist in the air and slow speeds really made for a long ride up, but the views were outstanding, with no guide rails to block the drop off views.
Silverton was the destination city...errr town. We got into town about 5pm and found a hotel. The triangle hotel is on main street and clean..seems a bit high compared to their online price but I'll check it out later.
Silverton Main street>

Only one paved street in Silverton, rest are dirt.

This was dinner...cajan pork chops at the Handlebar. Not bad..should have got steak.

Overall a fair ride for the day. Lots of cool mountain vistas but lots of to get away from that.
We may change plans and rent a jeep to ride the Alpine Loop. Hate to miss out on all that when we are here. I think we will dump the Grand canyon and go get muddy.
1 comment:
The first leg of the trip is behind you and now the adventure begins! Be careful and have fun!
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